Simple Paper Puppet

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I love making paper puppets. I make them in all shapes and sizes and of all kinds of paper and cardboard. Toilet paper rolls can become nice sturdy curved ears and things like that. Folded Things make excellent hair. Use your imagination when you are making your puppet... the crazier your decorations, the more fun it will be to use!

When you are done your puppet, or puppets, you will need a stage to perform behind. You can either use one really big box with a square cut out for the "stage" or you can use a smaller box with the stage cut out that is set on top of a counter (so you can hide behind the counter). Now use paper and paint to decorate it so that it works with your puppets. You might want to make it look like a castle, or even a pirate ship :).


  • Paper
  • Tape
  • Colouring Supplies
  • Instructions

    1. The first thing you will need is a piece of paper (8.5" by 11" is the best size for a child's hand). It can be plain or colored. Fold the paper into thirds as shown and tape the edge.

    Example 1

    2. Fold the paper in half with the tape side out. Now fold each side in half again as shown below.

    Example 2

    3. Now draw, paint, or glue a face on your puppet and then place your hand in it as shown. Your finished!

    Example 3